We Eat Dust And Like It
February 10, 2010
City of Lakes Loppet - Ice Cycle
On February 6, Biz took his bike to the ice by competing in the Penn Ice-Cycle Loppet - part of the City of Lakes Loppet weekend of events in Minneapolis, MN. Getting the low-down from Jay "Hollywood" Henderson about tires and screws, Justin made preparations for the race in the weeks leading up to the event. Biz finally finished his tires the day before the event and practiced on a local ice hockey rink to test out the new treads - EXCELLENT grip! Not knowing the level of competition in the event, Biz signed up for the Intermediate class to test the waters in the first of two heats. Pushing the pace early on, he stuck with the leaders through the first lap, and passed into the first place slot in the second lap. After 15 minutes, the heat was over and Biz had moved into the finals.
An hour later, Justin was off on the 20-minute finals heat. Running in third after the first lap and a half, the two leaders bumped each other around an icy bend. With an opening in his sights, Biz accelerated into the first spot and hammered the pace to gap the chasers. After a few more laps, the distance was too great for the others to overcome, and Biz was assured of victory (assuming no mechanical mishaps). Thankfully his wheels stayed true throughout the course and Biz came away with a 1st place victory. Next winter season will hopefully involve more ice-cycle competition!
Jay Henderson (1st - Advanced), Scott Cave (2nd - Advanced), and Kristy Henderson (3rd - Women) also came away with great finishes and solidified the dominance of the Hollywood Cycles crew.